My Korean food fetish

Yesterday was the second Saturday I had Korean lunch. This time, we went to an eat-all-you-can barbecue place and we really didn’t have anything even while we were at the movies to watch MJ’s “This Is It”. Yes, not even a bag of popcorn lest we get full and not enjoy the yummy lunch in the offing ... lol... plus we need something to comfort us after that emotional documentary. Well, for non MJ fans- they wouldn't understand but I was crying right when the dancers were talking about being with MJ on stage after the difficult audition and the rigorous training and rehearsals they went thorough....such a waste.

Our lunch was a welcome treat and although it was our first time to try the place since that was the closest to the theater- we were not disappointed. It's not a high-end restaurant but the food is good and we were fully sated at a very reasonable price

After lunch, we went straight to a Korean market which is ten minutes away and these are random pictures I took. Ah, fresh produce galore! But I was drawn more to the fruits. I wish I could take pictures of everything <3

Lots of good sales on potato starch noodles so bought some and shiitake mushrooms and a huge jar of kimchi too. And then I saw my old friend – the hodduk man and couldn’t resist it- bought some and he gave me free red bean-filled cookies shaped like fish and an extra hodduk. What a nice way to complete my Saturday food escapade to satisfy my Korean food fetish eh?


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